Island Pacific Academy
Kapolei, Hawaii
This two-story, 28,000 SF facility, Island Pacific Academy (IPA), is the first private school built in fast-growing Kapolei.
One key to the project’s success was the fact that Kiewit stood by the client, Academex Systems, through some unexpected challenges resulting from a concrete truck driver’s strike. Kiewit supported the client during the area-wide strike, while maintaining the aggressive schedule to complete the project in time for the start of the new school year. The project team chose precast concrete to facilitate construction, enabling concrete components to be precast during the strike. When the strike ended, the foundation concrete was poured and crews then erected the precast components, thus allowing the project to be completed two months ahead of schedule.
Using the design-assist delivery method, Kiewit worked closely with the designer to price alternative construction plans that saved the client more than $1 million.