Desalination and Water Reuse

Confront Water Scarcity with Desalination and Reuse

Water is a finite resource, and several factors can push supplies to near tap-out. But desalination and water reuse – two alternative water supply sources – can be key pieces of a diversified supply portfolio to bolster water security. Kiewit is one of the leading desalination contractors in the U.S. and has delivered projects across North America that support water reuse strategies.

Water Fit for Purpose

Desalination and water reuse solutions aren’t just for drinking water. They enable communities and industries to treat impaired quality water to fit the intended purpose, conserving precious potable water supplies.

Navigating Complexity

Whether complicated by location, regulatory criteria or challenges like energy consumption and cost, Kiewit tackles complex projects. We bring lessons learned from every project we’ve done to drive sustainability for desalination and reuse.

Energy Efficiency Expertise

Solar panels in a green field under a blue sky

Power consumption is a challenge for desalination and water reuse projects. Kiewit’s expertise in both the water and power sectors allows us to deliver energy efficiencies, leverage renewable opportunities and minimize lifecycle costs.

Optimized Investment

F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center Phase 2 Contract 4

As water becomes increasingly scarce, options for new sources can require greater capital spend and technical complexity. Kiewit optimizes client capital investment and longer-term operational costs with tailored solutions that fuel water supply resilience.

Permitting Smarts

Permitting for desalination and water reuse projects can be arduous. Through Kiewit’s robust understanding of the permitting process, we achieve timely permit acquisition and deliver facilities that reliably perform within their regulatory requirement.

Environmental Stewardship

F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center Phase 2 Contract 4

Kiewit uses responsible brine management approaches, including zero-liquid discharge technology where brine can be reduced or eliminated and mined for valuable minerals, reducing the overall cost of water.

Kiewit has delivered the 
seawater desalination project in the U.S. and the world’s largest inland brackish desalination project.

Kiewit has delivered more than
throughout North America.

Kiewit is one of the
contractors of large-scale desalination plants in North America.


To connect with our team about engineering and construction support on your next water infrastructure project, please fill out the form below.
For vendor/supplier partnerships and all other inquiries, please visit our Contact Us page.