
Kiewit believes in supporting the communities in which we work. It is Kiewit’s intent to provide diverse, small and local business enterprises an equal opportunity to participate in the projects we build. One way the company accomplishes this is by actively supporting our clients’ efforts to develop a diverse supplier network.

Committed to the Community

To this end, Kiewit develops project-specific Supplier Participation Programs that incorporate the following key elements:

  • Actively seek out small and local businesses that will bring additional value to the projects we build for our clients
  • Foster the development of suppliers that will provide construction services and materials
  • Increase business opportunities for interested small and local suppliers
  • Commit to having equal opportunity for participation

Construction projects generally provide many supply and contracting opportunities. Kiewit is committed to providing many of these opportunities to the local community. We believe that the basis of a sound Supplier Participation Program is to identify practical contracting opportunities within the supply and contracting services required for the project. We evaluate companies on different qualifications and requirements per project. This includes but isn’t limited to safety performance, proven quality, certification, on-time performance, years in business, reputation and value-added products or services.

Our commitment to broad-based community supplier participation provides the structure to ensure that all available business enterprises have an equal opportunity to compete for and participate in the work on our projects.